Meet the Cutest Soon-to-Weds Who Also Happen To Be Fun-Loving Musicians

Meet Mandy and Gary, two musicians who showcased not only their love for music in their pre-wedding shoot, but also their fun-loving and carefree demeanor. They played with an orange […]

The Look



After Dark: Hong Kong Photographers Share How You Can Capture Romantic Night Time Photos

Did you know that taking photos at night time can result in stunning photos? While shooting in the day is ideal–for all the obvious reasons–taking photos at night can result […]

Romantic Pre-wedding Shoot at the Hong Kong Government Flying Service Hangar

Today’s pre-wedding feature is unique and is inspired by the groom-to-be’s profession. Alex, the soon-to-be husband of Saria, works as a winchman for the Hong Kong Government Flying Service (HKGFS). […]

The Look

