Have you been to a wedding or party and ended up playing the How Well Do You Know Your Partner game? What was your score?
One of the usual games in weddings–and sometimes in parties–is the How Well Do You Know Your Partner game. In this game, a couple’s knowledge of the relationship or each other is put to the test. It’s a fun and funny game that always leaves the crowd fully entertained!
How does it work? First, the host calls out pre-selected married couples of all ages to play. The bride and groom or the couple hosting the party can play too. Couples sit back-to-back (so they can’t copy answers) while the host asks questions about the relationship. Upon the signal of the host, couples will need to write their answers then raise the them up at the same time. The couples who have the same answers get a point and the couple with the most points is declared the winner.
[Photo: Warble Entertainment]
Another variation of this game is the one where each couple holds shoes on each hand. (One hand holds the one partner’s shoe, while the other hand holds the other partner’s shoe.) In this version of the game, the questions about the relationship will usually be fashioned such that the couples have to identify who the question is about by raising the appropriate shoe. If not shoes, couples can also use signs with their names or signs with “him” and her” on them.
Today we’re sharing you the cheat sheet to help you ace this the next time you’re called out to play this game! We included a combination of questions for both variations. Review these common game questions below with your partner. Ready?
[Photo: Loft Photography Studios]
- When is your anniversary? Complete date and year.
- When and where did you first meet?
- When and where was your first date?
- What did your partner wear during your first date?
- What is your partner’s favorite thing about you?
- What is your partner’s favorite movie?
- What is your partner’s favorite book?
- What is your partner’s favorite food?
- What is your partner’s favorite song/band?
- Who is your partner’s celebrity crush?
- Who is your partner’s first crush?
- What is your partner’s greatest fear?
- What is your partner’s go-to ice cream flavor?

- Who said “I love you” first in the relationship?
- Who usually says “sorry” first after an argument?
- Who is more likely to plan date night?
- Who is the better cook?
- Who is more likely to forget an important date or event?
- Who spends more?
- Who has more exes?
- Who is more likely to be the first to apologize in a disagreement?
- Who is the biggest neat freak?
- Who is more likely to get lost while driving to a new destination?
- Who is the better dancer?
- Who is the more indecisive one when it comes to making decisions?
- Who is more likely to forget to do a household chore?