Linda and Clement got to shoot in not one, but two gorgeous destinations for their engagement photo session. With travel restrictions lifted, they were both happy and eager to fly out. The had been planning for a destination pre-wedding for the longest time and finally, it was time. At first, they were deciding on either a romantic and classy European themed pre-wedding in Paris or a magical photoshoot at Cappadocia against the colourful hot air balloons up in the sky. Since both options were sure to be special experiences and deliver stunning photos, Linda and Clement decided to ultimately do both! This turned out to be the best decision because the lovers were able to fulfil both their dream pre-wedding themes at the those two destinations! We will say no more and let OneThreeOneFour‘s photos reveal all of Linda and Clement’s the captivating moments in Paris and Cappadocia.
Photographer and Coordinator: OneThreeOneFour
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