要了解如何在婚禮上使用金色,真實婚禮當然是最佳的靈感來源。我們知道視覺靈感是每位準新娘最愛的,那麼,就讓我們一起來看看這 14 種將金色注入婚禮的方法吧。
(1) 為你的姊妹們挑選金色或金褐色及奶油色系的禮服,既優雅又時尚。
(2) 在姊妹服飾上加入淡黃色花朵和金色絲帶做點綴,使造型更加完美。
(3) 除了傳統的新娘花球,還可以考慮使用帶有金色裝飾的中式折扇,作為別具特色的手持飾品。
(4) 同樣地,淡黃色花藝搭配金色細節,無疑能為婚禮佈置增添華麗氣質,就像這對新人所選擇的一樣。
(5) 你也可以選用小巧精緻的相框,將多年來的甜蜜瞬間展示在婚禮現場。
(6) 為你們的新婚祝酒增添奢華感,不妨在香檳杯上綁上金色絲帶點綴。
(7) 讓婚禮囍帖也融入金箔元素,成為婚禮序幕的第一抹奢華。
(8) 將傳統的中式禮服裙褂搭配金色婚鞋,賦予你的傳統造型更濃郁的奢華感。
(9) 婚禮蛋糕不僅是甜品,也是可裝飾的婚禮細節之一。將金粉點綴其上,讓蛋糕更添奢華。
(10) When the skies begin to darken, light up your evening festivities with gold neon signages of either your names or your wedding monogram. Aside from adding glam to your union, this can area also serve as a photo spot for guests.
(11) Gold chairs will surely add grandeur to your wedding ceremony and your wedding banquet, so makre sure you check with option with your rentals supplier or venue.
(12) There’s something absolutely elegant about having a gold wax seal. It really makes your invitations and whatever other detail you use it with look more extravagant.
(13) Don’t miss out on adding gold details to your car, like gold accent of the couple’s initials on the car hood. A simple addition like this will not to unnoticed.
(14) A gold photo wall installation will turn a bare hallway into a beautiful storybook of your love. Consider this as a welcome scene when guests arrive at your venue.