Every 365 days signifies the passing of a year. And in one of those days lies a specific date husbands should NEVER forget. (Lest they want to feel the fury of their wives!) Today we’re doling out a handy guide for all you married folk out there. As you grow deeper in love with each other, celebrate every anniversary with a corresponding theme in mind. Wine isn’t the only thing that gets better with age, so do the anniversary presents!
1st PAPER – As a blank canvas, your love story is about to be written.
Ideas: books, photos, magazine subscriptions, postcards, stationery, tickets to shows/movies
2nd COTTON – It is a durable and versatile textile. As a couple, be adaptable and willing to compromise.
Ideas: His & Hers bathrobes, bathroom towels, Egyptian cotton bedding, clothing
3rd LEATHER – Seen as protection or covering. Be warm and a source of security for each other.
Ideas: Leather-bound journals, leather accessories (gloves/wallet/shoes), briefcase
4th FRUITS & FLOWERS – Your relationship is starting to truly blossom and ripen. Cultivate it further.
Ideas: Floral scented candles, fruit/flower basket, garden tools, plants, flower pots
5th WOOD – After five years, your relationship has grown in maturity, wisdom, and strength just like an oakwood.
Ideas: Wooden jewellery box, home items (baskets/chess sets), furniture, kitchenware
6th SUGAR – As sugar is sweet to taste, so should the romance be in your marriage! Rekindle the sparks that brought you together in the first place.
Ideas: Box of chocolates, dessert cookbook, date at a dessert cafe/restaurant
7th WOOL – This is the best material for cozy sweaters. Don’t forget to share warm embraces with your significant other!
Ideas: Woolen sweaters, rugs, scarves, blankets
8th SALT – As a vital preservative, seasoning, and even a disinfectant, salt is essential to life just like your marriage.
Ideas: Bath salts, exfoliating balms, kitchen seasonings, salt and pepper dispensers
9th COPPER – After a nine year long marriage, copper is representative of how copper conducts heat and electricity just like a couple’s warmth and passion.
Ideas: Copper home items (vases/mugs/goblets/clocks), sculptures, figurines
10th TIN – Because tin brings to mind long life and preservation like food in tin cans, it also shows that marriage has the ability to last for the long haul.
Ideas: Biscuits in tin containers, paperweights, board games or puzzles in tin box
15th CRYSTAL – This represents time and love as well as crystals ability to dazzle. On your fifteenth year of matrimonial bliss, remember to never take each other for granted!
Ideas: Crystal home items (bell/vase/bowl), crystal jewellery, homeopathic crystals or spa day
20th CHINA – China as a material is both elegant and beautiful.
Ideas: China ornaments (figurine/sculpture), vases, mugs, plates, tea set, trip to China
25th SILVER – This is your first milestone year! Show each other how much you care with silver accented presents. Congratulations on the twenty-five years!
Ideas: Silver jewellery, silver-dipped eternity rose, silverware (plates/cutlery/goblets)
30th PEARL – At the heart of pearls, they show a timelessness, innocence, and wisdom. It would be a great anniversary present.
Ideas: Pearl jewellery (necklace/earrings/ring/bracelet)
40th RUBY – The color red symbolizes passion, devotion, and romance. Keep the fire burning in your hearts.
Ideas: A bouquet of flowers, scented candles, perfume, artworks, ruby jewellery
50th GOLD – Congratulations on reaching this MAJOR milestone! Happy Gold Anniversary! You are each others treasures.
Ideas: Gold jewellery (necklace/bracelet/ring/brooch)
55th EMERALD – It is said that emeralds change shade if the wearer is unfaithful, so giving emeralds on the fifty-fifth year sure shows that your love for each other is true and pure.
Ideas: Emerald jewellery (necklace/bracelet/pendant)
60th DIAMOND – Rihanna croons that we must shine bright like a diamond. Why? Because they embody an undying love.
Ideas: Diamond jewellery (necklace/ring/bracelet/pendant)
70th PLATINUM – As symbolizing strength, value, and eternity, you as a couple are really #goals. You’ve made it this far!
Ideas: Platinum jewellery (necklace/earrings/ring/bracelet)
For the observant out there: did you notice how as the duration of anniversaries celebrated increases, so do the strength of the material being gifted? It began with paper products all the way up to platinum! Special thanks must be given to Bea Quisumbing and Kylie Nadine Agero for the adorable illustrations and graphics in this feature. From all of us at Bride and Breakfast HK, we wish you a long and happy marriage! Hoping you get to the platinum stage!