Red, a vibrant color for most used for celebrations, and black, a deep and dramatic color, come together in this stylish pre-wedding photoshoot. You would think these two colors would clash because they both command presence and have such strong aura. Surprisingly, Eki and Ryan’s stunning engagement photos taken by Hatsumori by Gavin.Y tell us otherwise. Each frame beckons thanks to the sleek styling of outfits by Victor Chan Studio which took the spotlight. Makeup was also on point, so all in all, the black and red theme came together seamlessly. With the right team behind you, you might be surprised with what you can achieve. Take it from Eki and Ryan; red and black never looked so beautiful.
Photographer: Hatsumori by Gavin.Y / Videographer: IXgrapher / Gowns and Accessories: Victor Chan Studio / Makeup Artist: Mii From Belle mariée, Queen from Belle mariée / Heels: Odelicate / Muse: @ekisabelau
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