Ring pillows are one of the easiest wedding accessories to experiment on, since you only need one for your special day. Although they are a very minor detail, you can definitely use them to reflect your personality as a couple and also have them as a wedding keepsake. We’ve enlisted the expert help of Mo from LCM Leather Workshop to create a truly unique ring pillow made of leather. This is a super easy and fun project that I’m sure you’ll enjoy making. Let’s get started!
What you’ll need:
- Cotton filling, leather puncher, scissors, 12x9cm trimmed leather pieces, leather string, tweezers, glue, box cutter, a ruler, and some satin ribbon (not pictured)
1. Take a piece of leather and apply some glue on three edges. You can use a toothpick to spread the glue evenly. Repeat the same for another piece of leather, then glue them together.
2. Punch holes evenly (with 1.5cm space in between) around the four edges.
3. Stuff the leather pocket with some cotton.
4. Apply some glue the open edge and seal the leather pouch.
5. Leaving an allowance of 1cm at the start, wrap the leather string through the holes and all around the edges.
6. Cut off excess string then glue one end of the string to the pocket. Once secure, glue the other loose end on top and snip off any excess string.
7. Fold and insert a piece of satin ribbon through a corner hole and secure with glue on the back side.
8. Pull the ribbon towards the front center and secure again with some glue. Thread the ribbon through the wedding bands, tie a ribbon, and snip off ends.
Here’s the final product! Isn’t it just perfect?
Feel free to change up or add details to make it your own just like the example below.
Thanks again to Mo of LCM Leather Workshop for this awesome project! Do check out their work at www.lcmleatherworshop.com.
Leather Craft: LCM Leather Workshop