Looking for the perfect bouquet for your wedding? In today’s feature, our floral stylists from The Aisle shed light on different kinds of bouquets that you can consider for your big day. Aside from talking about each style’s unique features, they also provide some tips that will help you figure out if a certain style is perfect for you. Read on below to find out which one of these wedding bouquet styles suits you and your wedding look.
Cascading Bouquet
If you’re going for a romantic wedding look, then a cascading bouquet is right up your alley. This style features long flowers and leaves that cascade–hence, the name–over your arms. This style is extra romantic and will suit tall brides, shares Preface.
Textural Bouquet
On the other hand, if you’re a modern and chic bride, Preface, recommends this unique and creative bouquet style, the textural bouquet. As the name suggests, this bouquet plays will different kinds of textures for a more dynamic look. This example consists of nude toned flowers for a hint of elegance.
Garden Style
Having an outdoor garden wedding? Keep your bouquet in theme by opting for a garden style bouquet which contains more greenery and looks more natural, as if the flowers were handpicked from a garden. This style is suitable for outdoor weddings because of its organic look, says Home Sweet Florist.
Waterfall Bouquet
Akin to the cascading bouquet, the waterfall bouquet is another romantic choice for brides who seek that dramatic look. Homemade Floral elaborates that a waterfall bouquet contains flowers that have long stems and usually look extra soft and delicate.
Western Style
You can also go for a western style bouquet which features a unique widespread horizontal form. Make Your Choicesss Floral Lab details that this bouquet example below is made using leaves and smaller flowers at the base and bold garden rose or peony as the main flowers. The final touch is light flowers all around as the added layers that give the bouquet its form.
Arm Bouquet
Arm bouquets are also known as presentation bouquets, imparts Home Sweet Florist. Usually long stemmed flowers, like Calla lilies, and foliage are used. This type of bouquet is mean for brides to cradle in their arms and is most suitable for those who want a stylish and feminine arrangement.