D.I.Y. Paper Fortune Cookies

Happy Lunar New Year everyone!

If your hands have been itching for creative output, you’ve come to the right place. Today’s D.I.Y. project is a cute and fun take on a favorite pastry, fortune cookies! Who doesn’t love fortune cookies? The element of surprise each cookie brings is so exciting and the message each one beholds is something everyone looks forward to. Well today, you won’t need your baking tools to make these goodies. Just bring out your craft materials and you’ll have a jar of fortune cookies in no time!


Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Pieces of paper in any color
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Pen
  • Any bowl or object with a round base at least 4 inches in diameter




1) Using a bowl and any object with a round base that is about 4 inches in diameter, trace a circle onto the paper.


2) Cut out the pieces of paper into circles.


3) Write your message, fortune, or greeting on small strips of paper.


4) Place the small strips of paper at the center of the circle. You may fold the strips of paper if they’re too big.


5) Fold the top and bottom of the circle and pinch at the center to keep it in place. Do not fold all the way to the end because this will flatten the cookie.


6) From the center where you are pinching the circle, gently fold backwards to create a crease at the center.


7) Place a dot of glue at the center of the crease and press until the glue dries.


8) After the glue dries, press against the sides to make the cookies look puffy.


And voila! Your paper fortune cookies are done. Wasn’t that easy and fun?

There are many ways to incorporate these paper fortune cookies into your wedding. You can make them part of the table decor, or you can add them to your giveaways. But if you’re thinking of doing something sweet for your bridesmaids, why not give them each a paper fortune cookie with a touching message about your friendship? We’re sure your bridesmaids will not only be surprised by the touching gesture, they will also be filled with genuine appreciation for the many milestones you’ve shared together, your wedding day included.



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